Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Maine Budget Woes do not affect the Turtles

Many Mainers may be under the illusion that the economic downturn and tax shortfalls are leading to cuts in services out of Augusta. This is not the case if you happen to be a snapping turtle or an eastern painted turtle. The state has installed 15 new turtle crossing signs in Wells, South Berwick and York. The locations of the signs were determined through a migratory study of the turtles that utilized small transistors glued to the back of nearly 100 turtles. Since the primary migratory times are June and July, the state plans on removing the signs at the end of that period and reinstalling them each year. I could not find a total cost to this program but I am sure it is well worth the cost even if it saves just one turtle from the rolling death of a tire wheel.

The story of this effort to save these turtles was carried in the Maine Sunday Telegram and included the stories of heroic motorists stopping in the road to save turtles. Efforts like this are helping to prevent what Mark Usinger of Portland, Maine described as the “carnage” of squashed turtles on Maine roads. I will not be surprised when we receive the first report of a turtle rescuing motorist that is run down by a tractor trailer truck why aiding one of our shelled friends in a crossing. I seem to remember from my driver’s ed days many, many years ago that you should never suddenly stop or swerve to avoid any creature in the road that is smaller than a dog as your actions are more dangerous than the outcome of hitting the animal. I am not sure if this is the accepted standard anymore.

One story that I found extremely concerning was related by wildlife biologist Jonathan Mays. He told of a concerned motorist that had found an endangered Blanding’s turtle trying to cross the Maine Turnpike. Fortunately, the driver was smart enough to realize that she should not carry the turtle across the highway but she did need help getting the turtle to safety.

So in Maine we will continue our great efforts to save the turtles. No matter what the cost is in human blood and treasure. We will do what is necessary.

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